More Press on Moonstruck Chocolate v. Moonray Espresso
March 21, 2007
Michael Atkins in Seattle Updates, Trademark Infringement

The Pacific Northwest press has latched onto the MOONSTRUCK versus MOONRAY trademark infringement suit discussed here and here.

Oregon’s daily newspaper, The Oregonian, ran a story today.

Not to be outdone, The Seattle Times ran an editorial today saying no infringement exists and calling for the dispute to be settled.

Quick update on The Seattle Times poll, which asked: “In your opinion, is there a trademark issue here?” As of Wednesday morning, two days after the question was first posed, 2,064 readers have responded. The response remains roughly the same as STL reported on Monday: 93% answer “No,” 5% answer “Yes,” and 2% answer “I don’t know.”

Full disclosure: STL’s publisher represents Moonray Espresso in the litigation.

Article originally appeared on Michael Atkins (
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