Here’s a motley collection of things I didn’t get around to posting about in the last week.
The Canadian Trademark Blog points out an interesting article on Vanouverite Kevin Ham and the business of domain warehousing.
TM Branding Cap has a new look and a nice link to a musician’s checklist for legal issues to consider when times are good, so band members can weather the storm when times are bad. Kudos to Alvin Borromeo on the new site. But I gotta say, I kind of miss the bears at the Columbus Zoo.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that arrested spam king Robert Soloway “made more than $1 million over four years by sending millions of pieces of spam for a business he said he started when he was 16.” The Associated Press observes that even if Mr. Soloway is convicted, “dozens are in line to fill the void.” I still view this event as a positive development.
A hearty welcome goes out to new Seattle law blogger Kirk Bernard. His Seattle Injury Blog offers tips on negotiating with insurance companies, the Insurance Fair Conduct Act, and the law on getting a damaged car repaired. Glad to have you aboard!
Finally, congratulations to Coderights publisher Michael Rice on finishing his first year of law school at Seattle University. I honestly don’t know how he manages to blog alongside a full courseload. I’m really impressed. Time to update your bio and call yourself a 2L!