Update in Ongoing Peso's v. Matador Trade Dress Trial
October 5, 2008
Michael Atkins in Seattle Updates, Trade Dress

On Friday, I talked with one of the lawyers representing the owners of Peso’s in their claims against the owners of the Matador in Seattle’s restaurant wars trade dress trial. (Most recent STL post on the case here.)

Here’s an update:

Note: because I just wanted to provide a factual summary of what’s been happening in trial — and not to give the parties the opportunity to fight their case out in this blog — I did not seek comment from the Matador’s side. Hopefully, this summary accurately characterizes the first three weeks of trial and what lies ahead in the next three weeks. Though I’ve visited both restaurants, I’m not choosing sides on this one. 

In related news, the Ballard News Tribune recently wrote about the case and quoted me discussing basic principles of trade dress law. 

Article originally appeared on Michael Atkins (http://seattletrademarklawyer.com/).
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