Exxon Mobile Sues X On Wireless for Trademark Infringement
November 2, 2008
Michael Atkins in Dilution, Seattle Updates, Trademark Infringement


Plaintiff Exxon Mobil Corp. is the giant oil company.

Defendant X On Wireless Corp. is a Vancouver, Wash.-based company that helps others expand their business presence in South Asia. 

On Oct. 27, Exxon sued X On in the Western District for trademark infringement, unfair competition, dilution, and unjust enrichment.

Plaintiff claims defendant’s X ON trademarks are “both visually and phonetically similar to Exxon’s EXXON Marks.” Such use, it claims, is likely to cause consumer confusion as well as dilution in violation of plaintiff’s trademark rights.

Earlier this year, defendant obtained a federal registration for X ON in Classes 9 and 35 for electrical and business consultation, and in Class 42 for electrical, mechanical, and energy technologies. In May, Exxon petitioned to cancel the registration.

The case cite is Exxon Mobile Corp. v. X On Wireless Corp., No. 08-5652 (W.D. Wash.).

Article originally appeared on Michael Atkins (http://seattletrademarklawyer.com/).
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