From Two Pesos to Peso's: More Local Press on Tex-Mex Trade Dress Suit
September 18, 2008
Michael Atkins in Seattle Updates, Trade Dress

The local press is loving the restaurant trade dress war that’s being played out this week in King County Superior Court. The case pits the owners of Peso’s against the owners of the Matador in what could be a Seattle re-telling of Two Pesos v. Taco Cabana.

Viewed another way, it’s Queen Anne versus Ballard! Now that’s a grudge match a long time in coming.

The Seattle Weekly’s Daily Weekly blog has blow-by-blow courtroom drama from Tuesday, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer devotes a column to the fracas.

Not to be outdone, STL has posted stories here, here, and here.

STL’s next post on the subject? The winner! The loser! The drama!

Article originally appeared on Michael Atkins (
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