Upcoming Talk: How Bands Should Protect Their Brand
April 27, 2009
Michael Atkins in Seattle Updates, Trademark Law Resources

I’m working on a talk I’m giving on Wednesday: “Bands & Brands: Essential Trademark Law for Musicians.” It’s long been an interest of mine but the first time I’ll be presenting on the subject. Here’s a rough outline of my plan:

The talk is sponsored by the Washington Lawyers for the Arts. It’s at The Vera Project, at the corner of Republican Street and Warren Avenue North, one block north of Key Arena. The program starts at 6 p.m. and will go until 7:30 with questions. Hopefully it will be quite interactive.

Cost is $35 for attorneys and paralegals ($40 at the door), and $10 for artists and students ($15 at the door). It’s approved for 1.5 hours of CLE credits. Register here; more info here. Hope to see you there!

Article originally appeared on Michael Atkins (http://seattletrademarklawyer.com/).
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