EU's Trademark Office Addresses Trademark Scammers
May 11, 2011
Michael Atkins in Trademark Law Resources

Over-eager solicitors. Scamsters. Whatever.

If you have a trademark registration, you’ve gotten it.

Unsolicited advice from a stranger telling you something about your trademark application or registration. Sometimes even a request for payment.

Here’s my unsolicited advice: Ignore it.

The EU’s trademark office, the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, recently wrote to trademark practitioners outlining steps it’s taking against this annoyance. It’s publishing a list of entities sending such letters; it’s demanding that the entities cease and desist from further confusing conduct; and it’s sending warnings to applicants that this unsavory practice exists.

Good for them.

OHIM, that is. As for the scammers, they should put their energy to productive use.

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