Seattle's "Olympic Cab" Lucky Festivities are in London
July 17, 2012
Michael Atkins in Olympic Trademark, Seattle Updates

Seattle’s “Olympic” Cab (Photo by STL) 

This time around, the Olympics are in London, not Vancouver.

Now, we caught our share of Olympic guff here in Seattle two years ago (see STL posts here and here). But here’s one trademark that wouldn’t have made the grade here in 2010, even with the festivities 100 miles away. There’s just no call for the Olympic rings, notwithstanding our proud tradition in these parts of calling most everything “Olympic” (in honor of our majestic Olympic Mountains, of course). Just ask Terri Welles (not perfectly on point, but you get the idea).

But then again, the United States Olympic Committee probably isn’t focused on these parts right about now.

Article originally appeared on Michael Atkins (
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