KCBA Members to Discuss Amendments to Right of Publicity Statute
Still wondering about the new amendments to Washington’s right of publicity statute? You don’t have to be alone. On May 1, the King County Bar Association’s Intellectual Property Section will host a brown-bag lunch program on “Emerging Issues in Right of Publicity Law.” Panelists Bob Cumbow, Mel Simburg, David Green, and I will throw in our two cents and hopefully get a good discussion going. (For background, see STL posts on the amended statute here and here.)
Here’s the teaser the IP Section sent out:
“Washington and California have recently amended their right of publicity laws in reaction to important rulings last year involving the publicity rights of Jimi Hendrix and Marilyn Monroe. New York has considered and expressly rejected similar legislation, leaving that state (the domicile of both Hendrix and Monroe at the times of their deaths) as one that does not recognize descendible rights of publicity. Where does this leave the estates and agencies charged with protecting and exploiting these rights, and where will the litigation trail lead from here?”
The Section meeting starts at noon, with the program to follow from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. It’s in the KCBA offices located at 1200 Fifth Ave, Suite 600.
Hope to see you there!

References (3)
Response: Lifeguard recertificationAmerican Lifeguard Association
Response: Lifeguard ClassesAmerican Lifeguard Association
Response: Lifeguard certificationAmerican Lifeguard USA
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