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Atkins IP Talks Trademarks and Copyrights on Business Podcast

Michael Atkins joined podcasting business consultant Jeremy Epp for two talks on trademarks and copyrights. The podcasts are available to stream starting today.

The first session focuses on what entrepreneurs need to know about trademark law — selecting and adopting a trademark, maximizing rights by registering the mark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and enforcing trademark rights against infringers. It’s all you need to know about trademarks in 49 minutes.

The second session focuses on copyrights. It again is geared to the business owner. It covers copyright protections and limitations, registration, enforcement, common pitfalls of using material taken online, and independent contractor agreements. It spans 45 minutes.

Mr. Epp, the host, gives upbeat business advice through “The Jeremy Epp Show,” styled as “Expert Interviews. Business Advice. Straight Talk. Encouragement. All With a Sense of Humor.”  

He writes: “We find out most about ourselves when we’re down and out, having the School of Hard Knocks kicking us time and time again. How we respond will determine our success. It is these lessons, and others that I’ve learned in my journey that I wish to share with you to help you along your journey. You’ve read this far. You’ve researched enough. It is time to take action! Are you with me? Let’s do this!” 

To heed his call, give The Jeremy Epp Show a listen. If you tune in soon, you’ll also learn the basics of trademark and copyright law in bite-sized portions, courtesy of Atkins IP.

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