Recommend Ninth Circuit Affirms False Advertising Finding Against Skydiving Marketer (Email)

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Skydive Arizona, Inc., has sold skydiving services under its SKYDIVE ARIZONA trademark since 1986.

Cary Quattrocchi, Ben Butler, and others, d/b/a 1800SkyRide (“Skyride”), operate an advertising service that makes skydiving arrangements for customers and issues certificates that can be redeemed at a number of skydiving drop zones.

Skydive Arizona sued Skyride in the District of Arizona for false advertising and trademark infringement. On its false advertising claim, it alleged that Skyride misled consumers wanting to skydive in Arizona by stating that Skyride owned skydiving facilities in Arizona when it did not. It also alleged that Skyride deceived consumers into believing that Skydive Arizona would accept Skyride’s skydiving certificates when it would not.

Following partial summary judgment and a trial, a jury awarded Skydive Arizona $1 million in actual damages for false advertising, $2.5 million in actual damages for trademark infringement, $2,500,004 in profits resulting from the trademark infringement, and $600,000 for statutory cybersquatting damages.

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