More Seattle Law Blogs (Pt. 3)
Seattle has a new intellectual property law blogger, IP Law Chat, published by Stacia Lay of Hendricks & Lewis. Ms. Lay states she plans to “focus on legal news about trademarks, copyright, technology, media and whatever else strikes my legal fancy and that I can tie into one of these areas of the law. Look for discussion of recent cases and IP news as well as links to informational and news items.” Since starting on April 16, she has followed through with that plan, writing about the Utah Trademark Protection Act, settlement of the Seattle daily newspapers’ dispute over their joint operating agreement, and the break between the Second and Ninth Circuits over the “famous marks” doctrine. Welcome, and thanks to Ron Coleman for pointing out this new local resource.
I’ve also discovered that Seattle University Associate Dean and Professor Eric Chiappinelli blogs on Cases and Materials on Business Entities, structured around his textbook of the same name. Recent posts have addressed the recent Nebraska Supreme Court’s decision on partnership buyouts, a Delaware court decision on cancelling shareholder meetings, and a Maryland court’s decision on the duty of loyalty. Dean Chiappinelli’s blog is an interesting teaching tool and supplement to his text. He began posting in August 2006, a few months before STL began.
I’ve added these blogs to my “Seattle Law Blogs” blogroll (at bottom, right). Please let me know if there are any other Seattle-based law blogs out there.

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