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Ninth Circuit Vacates Injunction Enjoining Possible Trademark Disparagement

The 43(B)log beat me to a new trademark case that’s worth checking out. On Sept. 26, the Ninth Circuit vacated the District of Arizona’s preliminary injunction enjoining defendant Tim Oey “from making any comments that could be construed as to disparage upon [the plaintiff Freecycle Network’s] possible trademark and logo” and requiring Mr. Oey to “remove all postings from the [I]nternet and any other public forums that he has previously made that disparage [The Freecycle Network’s] possible trademark and logo.”

Just as interesting as the opinion is the list of attorneys weighing in on Mr. Oey’s behalf. It includes Marty Schwimmer, Mark Lemley, Lawrence Lessig, “Amici 38 Intellectual Property Law Professors” and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. With firepower like this, you know the stakes were high. For a summary of the decision, check out Prof. Tushnet’s post.

The case cite is The Freecycle Network, Inc. v. Oey, __ F.3d __, 2007 WL 2781902, No. 06-16219 (9th Cir.).

Posted on September 27, 2007 by Registered CommenterMichael Atkins in | CommentsPost a Comment

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