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The Government's Hiring Judges!

In this down economy, there’s at least one outfit hiring — the federal government!

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is looking for two administrative law judges to serve on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. Here are highlights from the job posting. No surprises to trademark practitioners:

“An Administrative Trademark Judge of the TTAB exercises original jurisdiction in the USPTO in inter partes proceedings arising under the Federal trademark registration statutes, serving in a capacity similar to that of a trial judge, conducting interlocutory proceedings, hearing oral arguments, and rendering final decisions in cases involving adverse parties. The Administrative Trademark Judge also exercises appellate jurisdiction in deciding ex parte appeals from refusal of the trademark-examining attorney to register a trademark.”

The job requires at least five years of “comprehensive, professional trademark experience,” a law degree, and bar membership in a U.S. jurisdiction. It is “desirable” for candidates to have comprehensive knowledge of common and statutory laws, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

The salary range is $138,380 to $158,500 per year.

In other employment news, the Eastern District is taking applications for a federal judgeship. The position replaces the spot vacated by Judge Fred Van Sickle, who has gone on senior status.

Posted on October 15, 2008 by Registered CommenterMichael Atkins | CommentsPost a Comment

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