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Topline and 4273371 Canada Settle Trademark Dispute

On Oct. 21, Western District Judge Thomas Zilly dismissed The Topline Corporation’s trademark lawsuit against 4273371 Canada, Inc., pursuant to the parties’ settlement.

STL readers may recall that Bellevue-based shoemaker Topline claimed that Canadian clothier 4273371 Canada’s use of REPORT and REPORT COLLECTION trademarks in connection with footwear infringed Topline’s REPORT, REPORT:, and REPORT SIGNATURE trademarks in connection with footwear. (Previous STL coverage from July 5 and Aug. 14, 2007.)

Last year, the Western District entered a preliminary injunction against 4273371 Canada in the case.

The case cite is The Topline Corp. v. 4273371 Canada, Inc., No. 07-938 (Oct. 21, 2008) (Zilly, J.).

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