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Pinkberry Sues Yoberry for Federal Trademark Infringement

Berry similar? Pinkberry accuses Yoberry of ripping off its marks

In September, the Pinkberry, Inc., chain of frozen yogurt shops filed a trademark infringement suit in the Western District against the Seattle-based Yoberry, Inc., frozen yogurt shop.

The complaint alleges the parties’ word marks are confusingly similar, as are the parties’ design marks.

Yoberry has not yet filed an answer.

The case cite is Pinkberry, Inc. v. Yoberry, Inc., No. 08-1360 (W.D. Wash.). 

Photo credits: Pinkberry.com and Yelp.com

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Reader Comments (1)

I predict an aggressive TM enforcement campaign coming back to bite someone.
October 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVenkat

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