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Federal Trademark Office Launches "Consistency Initiative"

Ever file three trademark applications with only slight variations, only to get three different examining attorneys arrive at three different decisions?

That kind of result is what the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office hopes to avoid.

On Sept. 29, it announced a “Consistency Initiative,” which will enable applicants to request a “consistency review” when the PTO handles an application differently than a similar pending application or registration.

Here’s the official word:

“In an effort to further improve quality, the Office has created a centralized process by which an applicant may bring to the attention of the Office situations where, in applicant’s opinion, the Office has acted inconsistently in its treatment of applicant’s pending applications/recent registration(s). Specifically, applicants may submit a Request for Consistency Review when a substantive or procedural issue (excluding any issues involving identifications of goods and services) has been addressed in a significantly different manner in different cases, subject to the following provisions: (1) the request is based on co-pending applications or an application and a registration owned by the same legal entity or a successor in interest (e.g., assignee); (2) the registration(s) involved was issued less than one year prior to the date of the request; (3) at least one of the applications in the request is in a pre-publication status at the time of the request; and (4) the allegedly inconsistent treatment has already occurred.”

Applicants should send requests to tmconsistency@uspto.gov. The PTO promises action within four-to-six weeks.

The institution of the initiative does not prevent applicants from raising the issue of inconsistent treatment with the assigned examining attorney. In fact, the PTO encourages such contact.

The PTO is conducting the initiative as a one-year pilot.

Here’s to consistent treatment!

Posted on October 8, 2008 by Registered CommenterMichael Atkins in | Comments3 Comments

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Reader Comments (3)

I'm left wondering if the PTO might be able to invalidate an issued registration to resolve the "inconsistency." In other words, if you request a review of an objection to a pending registration, based on the prosecution history of a recently issued registration, could the PTO decide that they were wrong to grant the previous allowance?
October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJason
Has anyone tested this yet? I don't want to be the first, they get eaten!!


Michael Kassing
December 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMochael Kassing
Has anyone heard any update on this initiative. Since it has been more than a year since the beginning of this "1-year pilot," is the initiative still continuing, permanently implemented, successful, unsuccessful or extended or needing tweaking?
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlex Butterman

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