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Law Firm Appeals in Chameleon Data Cybersquatting Case

On July 22, the unsuccessful plaintiff law firm filed a notice of appeal to the Ninth Circuit in The Christensen Firm v. Chameleon Data Corp. The appeal identifies five alleged errors, including the Western District’s dismissal of its cybersquatting claim against the defendant Web development firm with whom plaintiff contracted, the court’s rulings relating to the parties’ jury trial, and the court’s denial of plaintiff’s motion for a new trial.

Separately, the court today denied the defendants’ motion for attorney’s fees based on their argument that plaintiff’s cybersquatting claim was sufficiently weak to make the case “exceptional.”

As the first Western District case with trademark issues to go the distance in a while, STL posted on this case a bunch. See posts from Feb. 14, Feb. 20May 5, June 1, and June 23 for background.

The case cite is The Christensen Firm v. Chameleon Data Corp., No. 06-337 (W.D. Wash.) (Zilly, J.)

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