Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse Is Well Worth a Look
The Chicago IP Litigation Blog put me onto Stanford Law School’s new IP Litigation Clearinghouse. This is a neat site. While not completely built out, it lets users (registration required) quickly access IP case information, organized by type of case, forum, or law.
This eventually may put me out of business — or at least my annual “Western District Statistics” posts (which will be delayed this year, by the way, because of my out-of-state trial). Searching “trademark” cases in the Western District, for example, one can see there were 28 such suits filed last year, and that 21 remain active. You can click on a case and see its docket (though you can’t access the underlying filings). While this information clearly comes from PACER, and to date is patent-centric, Stanford organizes it well and — best of all — offers it up for free.
The IP Litigation Clearinghouse states it aims to be “a comprehensive online information source on IP litigation” and that it seeks to “enhance the quantity, quality, and art of IP analytics for the benefit of the public.”
It’s got a way to go, but this is an excellent start. I know I’ll soon return.

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