Topline Sues Boot Designer Over Use of FLIRT Trademark
Rocky Brands’ Web site advertising its FLIRT boots
On Nov. 6, Bellevue, Wash.-shoe designer Topline Corp. filed suit in the Western District against Rocky Brands Wholesale LLC and other shoe sellers that market women’s boots under the trademark FLIRT. The complaint also alleges that Rocky Brands applied to register FLIRT WITH DURANGO for “western boots.” Topline alleges that Rocky Brands’ marks infringe Topline’s own FLIRT registered trademark in connection with “shoes.”
Topline has sued over its FLIRT mark before. In 2007, it sued designer Houser Shoes for marketing footwear under the marks FLURT and GOTTA FLURT. Houser ultimately admitted its marks infringed Topline’s rights as part of a consent decree.
Defendants have not yet filed an answer.
The case cite is Topline Corp. v. Rocky Brands Wholesale LLC, No. 09-1592 (W.D. Wash.).

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