Twilight-Themed Restaurant Re-Thinking Its "Volterra" Name
Fans can get their fix at a forthcoming Twilight-themed restaurant,
though it may not be named Volterra.
The owners of a forthcoming Twilight-themed restaurant are thinking twice about their name.
Tim and Annette Root own Dazzled by Twilight, a Forks, Wash., gift store centered on the locally-set vampire book series that’s popular with today’s youth. They plan to expand on the theme with a new restaurant, which they initially named Volterra. (For those not in the know, including me, Volterra is where Twilight’s vampire aristocracy hangs out.)
The plans continue, but the name may not. Turns out, an Italian restaurant with the same name is located in Seattle. (Volterra also is a city in Italy.)
Volterra-Seattle has been around since May 2005. Its owner, Volterra, LLC, obtained a federal registration for VOLTERRA and Design for restaurant and bar services and spices in 2006.
The letter the Seattle restaurant’s lawyer sent the Roots have led them to consider a new name.
“We are very adamant about the restaurant and we will open it,” Mr. Root told the Peninsula Daily News.
“But we will see what we need to do about the naming situation.”
News story here.

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