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Revised Local Rules Now in Effect for Western District of Washington

As of Dec. 1, revisions to the Western District’s local rules are now in effect. (See handy redline version here.) Here are the highlights: 

  • Motions to shorten time are abolished;
  • Motions for relief from a deadline, for a protective order, and to seal are now heard on the second Friday after after filing and service of the motion;
  • Except for good cause, motions in limine must be filed as one motion and be noted for consideration no earlier than the third Friday after filing the motion and no later than the Friday before any scheduled pretrial conference;
  • Motions in limine must include a certification that the movant has in good faith conferred or attempted to confer with other affected parties in an effort to resolve which matters really are in dispute;
  • Motions for a protective order similarly must include a certification that the movant has in good faith conferred or attempted to confer with other affected parties; and
  • A party moving for default must give the non-answering party 14 days’ notice if that party has filed a notice of appearance.

As the court stated in an email announcing the changes: “Although parties are responsible for being familiar with all of the local and federal rules, they should pay particular attention to the amendments in Fed. R. Civ. P. 6(a), Fed. R. Cim. P. 45(a) and Local Civil Rule 7.”

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