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Hearst Magazines Run Anti-Counterfeiting Ad Campaign

It’s uncool to buy knockoffs. That’s one of the messages in this month’s Esquire magazine.

The ad text states:

“Hearst Magazines salutes the Italian Intellectual Property Rights Office for its tireless campaign against counterfeiting. The Italian Intellectual Property Rights group represents a network of 14 offices in 10 countries, working domestically and internationally to support Italian businesses and protect the ‘Made in Italy’ label and its legacy. For more information, visit FakesAreNeverInFashion.com.”

I’m skeptical this effort will fare any better than your typical “Don’t Do Drugs” PSA, but it’s interesting to see the effort.

Posted on December 16, 2009 by Registered CommenterMichael Atkins | Comments1 Comment

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Reader Comments (1)

This seems to be an new trend. I saw simalar ads by Channel and Little tTrees (the company that makes the green christmas tree air fresher people hang from their rear view mirrors) on the back page of WWD.
Interesting concept and it will raise public awareness. But will it have any effect on people who knowing buy knock-offs because they can't afford the orginal? I doubt it.
December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstaci riordan

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