Seattle Seller of Leather Products Sues Scientist for False Advertising
“To call it ‘leather’ is outright deception, outright fraud.”
Those are the words Seattle-based Design Resources, Inc., alleges Dr. Nicholas Cory said in Furniture Today about Design Resources’ NEXTLEATHER bonded leather products, which Design Resources claims amounts to false advertising, defamation, and product disparagement. Design Resources filed a complaint alleging as much in the Western District in May.
The complaint clams Design Resources brought its product to Dr. Cory and his laboratory, Leather Research Laboratory, for research needed to ensure labels on its NEXTLEATHER products accurately disclosed the information required by the Federal Trade Commission. Design Resources claims Dr. Cory concluded it could call its product “bonded leather” — before changing his tune when talking with Furniture Today.
Design Resources is in the business of importing bonded leather, bycast leather, and finished leather hides, which it cuts and sews to patterns for furniture manufacturers.
Defendants have appeared in the lawsuit but have not yet filed an answer.
The case cite is Design Resources, Inc. v. Leather Industries of America, No. 09-611 (W.D. Wash.).

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