Important Article Updates Seminal Analysis of Washington Franchise Law
Hot off the presses is an important new law review treatment of franchise law. Off topic here at STL? Not when one of the three elements of a franchise is that the franchisee’s business is “substantially associated with” a trademark that is licensed or owned by the franchisor. This article, written by three of my colleagues, updates a seminal article published by longtime University of Washington School of Law Professor Donald Chisum in 1973. A lot’s happened in Washington franchise regulation in the 36 years since that work was published. This article fills in the gaps. It’s a must-read for anyone practicing franchise law in Washington, and anyone practicing trademark law that occasionally strays into franchise law territory.
The cite is: Douglas C. Berry, David M. Byers & Daniel J. Oates, State Regulation of Franchising: The Washington Experience Revisited, 32 Seattle University Law Review 811 (2009).

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