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Gas Station at Former Texaco Site Spurs Trademark Infringement Suit

To paraphrase plaintiff: “It looks like a Texaco station.”

Defendants Misko Maynard and Grapeview Country Store, LLC, allegedly sell groceries and gas in what used to be a Texaco station.

Chevron U.S.A., Inc., owner of the TEXACO brand, filed suit in the Western District on Dec. 18 arguing that defendants’ association with its trademark is likely to confuse consumers and, therefore, constitutes trademark infringement and unfair competition.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with plaintiff’s claims. It’s just too bad the parties have had to go to federal court over a problem a can of paint would seem to solve.

The case cite is Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Maynard, No. 09-05779 (W.D. Wash.).

(Photo from plaintiff’s complaint.)

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  • Response
    I call this “shadow branding,” and there’s a lot of it around. A company is formerly affiliated with a well-known brand, typically as a franchisee, and then the relationship is severed. The little guy is no longer authorized to use the trademark — but de-branding efforts are usually minimal, often contemptuous. ...

Reader Comments (1)

What this post fails to recognize is that this store has been closed for years. So the statement that, "Defendants Misko Maynard and Grapeview Country Store, LLC, allegedly sell groceries and gas in what used to be a Texaco station," is false, because no groceries or gas are sold in this closed store. I believe it's being renovated, but the store has NOT been operating since the Texaco sign was removed.
November 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

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