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Microsoft Files Cybersquatting Case Over Defendant's Use of "Bing"

Microsoft alleges defendant’s use of “bing”
in his domain name takes Internet users to this Web page 

It’s been a while since STL has posted on a Microsoft cybersquatting case.

The wait is over. Last week Microsoft Corp. filed one in the Western District against California resident Donald Davies.

Microsoft alleges that Mr. Davies registered at least 21 domain names that contain the formative “bing” in an effort to generate pay-per-click income from searchers allegedly seeking Microsoft’s BING search engine.

Microsoft claims such domain names include aolbing.com, bingcasinos.com, and bingporntube.com.

Microsoft says it has nothing to do with the Web sites associated with Mr. Davies’ domains, some of which lead to adult-oriented material.

This, Microsoft alleges, constitutes cybersquatting, false designation of origin, and dilution.

Mr. Davies has not yet answered Microsoft’s complaint.

The case cite is Microsoft Corp. v. Davies, No. 10-1583 (W.D. Wash.).

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