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Canadian Trademark Blog Curls Its Way to Gold!

Did you catch Blawg Review #251?

It’s timely hosted by our friends at the Canadian Trademark Blog, who announce: “Our city, Vancouver, is one that knows a lot about hosting – whether it be blog carnivals, tourists, or currently, the Winter Olympics. And, given all the excitement on the streets around us right now, we thought it appropriate that we take ‘Vancouver: Olympic Host City’ as a theme.”

An excellent theme at that. This stop on the blawg carnival is packed with links about the Olympics, Vancouver, and of course, trademarks.

I know first-hand that one of the challenges in covering so much ground from so many sources is weaving it all together.

My favorite transition: “But maybe public nudity and the demon weed are too much for you — perhaps you’re a more private individual.  If privacy is a concern you may want to take time to consider the federal Privacy Commissioner’s report on the privacy implications of new technologies, reported at the Canadian Privacy Law Blog.”

Kudos for the public nudity and demon weed. But no explanation of curling?

Posted on February 17, 2010 by Registered CommenterMichael Atkins | CommentsPost a Comment

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