STL on Rosetta Stone v. Google - There's Still Time to Attend Thursday's Tele-CLE
On Thursday, STL’ll be talking about the status of keyword liability.
Sign up. There’s still time.
The tele-CLE is quick and to the point. In one hour, you’ll know everything that’s worth knowing about Rosetta Stone v. Google. Not because I’m on the panel. The two other speakers really know their stuff. (Moderator Jennifer A. Albert’s bio here; panelist Sheldon H. Klein’s bio here. I’m flattered to be included.)
This case is worth knowing about. When the Fourth Circuit weighs in, it will be the most influential keyword decision to date. The Eastern District of Virginia’s sweeping decision in favor of Google already is taught in law schools; it was part of my class and I’m by no means alone. It’s a big deal.
Brochure here. It’s $175 for 1.0 hour CLE credit.

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