Tidbits from Spain
Two trademark tidbits from my recent trip to Spain.
First, I wouldn’t call it a full-blown trademark safari, but I did come across this restaurant in Barcelona. The Tarantino pizza restaurant with images from Quintin Tarantino’s movies probably wouldn’t fly in the States — unless, of course, Mr. Tarantino owned the restaurant or agreed to be associated with it.
Not exactly Jack Rabbit Slim’s: Barcelona’s Tarantino pizza restaurant.
Gotta love the soccer game on TV in the background. (Photo by STL)
Second, here are the slides from my presentation on trade dress protection of software at the Transnational IP Seminar — geared to American and European law students interested in patent law, jointly produced by the University of Washington’s Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property and the University of Alicante’s International Project on Intellectual Property and Information Technology.
Spoiler alert: if it’s not evident in the slides, trade dress protection of software is thin. You’re better off protecting your work through copyright or a design patent, assuming you qualify for such protection.

I noticed the upload of my presentation to SlideShare caused some problems, including the bullet numbering in Slide Nos. 9 and 22. I fixed some but didn’t catch others. Minor points, but it’s SlideShare’s fault, not mine!
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Depending on your preferences, you can combine your visit to the pizza place with other nearby attractions such as Soroptimist Park, the Salvation Army church, or the Zebra Cocktail Lounge.