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Seller Admits to Counterfeiting Cards in Wizards of the Coast Game

Counterfeit! Wizard’s authentic (left) and Marticek’s counterfeit cards

In December, Seattle card-game maker Wizards of the Coast LLC sued New Jersey resident Victoria Marticek and a number of other defendants in the Western District for counterfeiting.

Among other things, Wizards alleged that Ms. Marticek uploaded YouTube videos depicting counterfeit cards for use in Wizards’ “Magic: The Gathering” game and encouraged consumers to purchase such cards through her online business, MTGReplica, and third party Web sites such as Etsy.com and iOffer.com.

Wizards alleged Ms. Marticek had offered at least 82 different counterfeit cards for sale.

Ms. Marticek agreed to a confession of judgment with a permanent injunction and monetary relief in the amount of $14,500. Judge Thomas Zilly entered the judgment Jan. 11.

Wizards’ similar claims remain pending against the other defendants, who have not answered Wizards’ complaint.

The case cite is Wizards of the Coast LLC v. Redmore, No. 11-02090 (W.D. Wash.).

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