Owner's Pride Should Guide Trademark Use
Choosing the right trademark can be tricky.
There are lots of things to think about. But one principle can help guide proper trademark use: be proud.
Trademarks tell consumers that what you make or what you sell comes uniquely from you. If you’re rightfully proud of your business, you’ll want to stand out. You’ll want consumers to remember you. And you’ll want to keep copycats at bay. Strong trademarks help do all these things.
If you’re proud, you won’t want to ride on anyone else’s coat tails. You’ll want your name, logo, and tag line to set you apart. A bold trademark conveys confidence and strength. A common mark says you’re ordinary — one of many in a crowd.
If you’re proud, you won’t want to call to mind someone else’s trademark. Why distract the consumer with a mixed message, when it’s only you that you want consumers to remember?
Strong trademarks stick in consumers’ minds. Courts give them the broadest protection. The trademark office registers them, expanding their power.
So do what you can to stand out. Names that depend on industry jargon or mimic a competitor’s miss a great opportunity: signaling that your goods and services can only be purchased from you.
Selling something you’re proud of is the hard part. When you’re proud, selecting a powerful trademark is easy.

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