Entries in TDR (1)
Patent and Trademark Office Offers Excellent Trademark Resources
Screen shot from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Web site
The PTO has some excellent resources for learning about trademark law. Videos, even. They’re all free and are collected here.
My favorite tool is the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database. I use it constantly. It’s accessible here.
Click the “Basic Word Mark Search (New User)” hyperlink, click the “Live” radio button, type the desired trademark into the search box, and click the “Submit Query” button. The results will give you hyperlinks to all pending trademark applications and registrations in the PTO’s system. The hyperlinked pages provide basic information about each trademark — the owner, the associated goods and services, the application date, etc. And best of all, you can drill down further from that page by clicking the blue “TDR” button, which provides links to the various documents in the application file — from application to registration certificate. It’s an invaluable tool that I use every day.
The database has its limitations. For example, it doesn’t provide information about a party’s use of the trademark, and you must include confusingly similar trademarks in your search for the results to be meaningful. But it’s a heck of a resource that shouldn’t be limited to trademark attorneys. Anyone can use it, and they should.