Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse Database Appears to be Incomplete
As recently discussed, I’m a fan of the Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse. However, in working on my annual Western District Statistics post, I noticed a large discrepancy between the numbers that PACER indicates and the numbers the Clearinghouse counts. For example, the Clearinghouse states that 28 trademark cases were filed in the Western District last year. PACER puts the number at 51. The 2008 cases the Clearinghouse did not count were spread fairly evenly throughout the year, so it does not appear to be a matter of its database simply not being up-to-date. Most of the missing cases were both opened and closed in 2008, though not all fit that pattern. I can’t figure out why 23 cases show up in PACER but not the Clearinghouse, since I imagine PACER is the source of the Clearinghouse’s data. Perhaps someone from the Clearinghouse can shed some light. This is no knock against the Clearinghouse, which I view as an ambitious project that already provides a lot of value. (Among other things, it provides a docket sheet for all cases included in its database free of charge.) However, its database does not appear to be complete. Users should be aware of this apparent shortcoming. Hopefully, it will be corrected in the near future.

References (1)
Response: Legal NewsHere is some IP-related news for your weekend enjoyment:Seattle Trademark Lawyer Mike Graham warns that the excellent Stanford IP Clearinghouse may not be counting all cases in its data based on Graham's comparison of 2008 trademark filings in the Western District of Washington using PACER and the Stanford IP Clearinghouse -- ...
Reader Comments (6)
I don't think the discrepancy is due to PACER misclassification. I believe PACER classifies cases based on the box the plaintiff's lawyer checks on the case information sheet upon filing the complaint. In my experience, if the plaintiff's lawyer characterizes the case as being primarily a trademark case, that's a pretty accurate description. In my review, the Clearinghouse left out a number of cases I know to be trademark cases, in part because I was involved in one of them -- a trademark infringement suit that couldn't fairly be categorized as anything but a "trademark" suit. Again, this isn't meant to criticize the good work that continues to go into the Clearinghouse; it's just a note based on my experience with its database. I simply fear it's not yet complete.
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1. Thanks to everyone for their kind words.
2. Indeed, our initial corpus of trademark (i.e., Lanham Act) cases is manifestly incomplete. We started with those federal cases characterized as "trademark" by PACER, and realize that this is only the first step. For the federal case remainder, we rely on YOU. Please send me case numbers and we will add them to the system, eventually incorporating the latent TM (involving Lanham Act claim) cases en masse. I am best reached at Your participation is strongly encouraged.
3. The project is in the process of raising additional funds to purchase all key documents in such cases.
4. And on this topic: We are launching an advanced, completely unrestricted site at a moderate fee. Indeed, we do so both to fund-raise (particularly for expansion of the trademark/other IP data corpus) as well as to ensure strict and absolute compliance with a federal court order controlling usage of certain IPLC data.
Again, feel free to contact me directly (or use the "Errata" function on the site) with critiques, suggestions, cases, etc.
Joshua Walker
Director, IP Litigation Clearinghouse
Stanford Law School
Perhaps one way to increase user confidence in Clearinghouse data would be to add a note stating the currency of its database. That way users would know that some delay may exist in obtaining data from PACER but that the Clearinghouse is current as of the stated date.